Objectives of the Claas-Stiftung

- The objective of the Claas-Stiftung is to promote science and research, as well as educate in the field of agricultural engineering and the related areas of engineering and economic science
- We aim to trigger and support young people’s interest in agriculture.
- The future importance of farming and farm machinery must be underlined and public awareness enhanced.
- Above all, there is a need to increase the understanding of what is happening in the farming sector to strengthen its reputation.
Agriculture needs the best brains

Every other day, the world population grows by the size of a capital city, such as Frankfurt, and requires increasing amounts of nutritional food supplies. Farming land, however, is only finitely available and cannot arbitrarily be increased.
This is where modern agricultural engineering comes in, as it can increase quality, as well as quantity in food production.
Furthermore, agriculture also plays an increasingly significant role in energy supply. In times when fossil fuels are running short, biomass turns into one of the most successful renewable energy sources of our future.
To accomplish tomorrow’s challenges by means of highly efficient technology, we need brilliant ideas and the spirit of research.
Agriculture is our future

Food is the basis of life. Agriculture must improve its efficiency to feed the world population in future. Thanks to considerable yield increases by breeding and cultivation techniques, today the average yield per hectare of wheat is four time higher than 100 years ago.
Nevertheless, the population is going to dynamically grow. Around 6 billion people live on our planet. In 2025 this number will increase to 8 billion. Simultaneously, farming land will become less. Therefore, agricultural engineering is the most vital industry in the world.